Doing Is Being

“People’s actions are motivated by their needs. When we discover our needs, we discover who we are.” Dr. Lance Sweets–Bones, Season 3, Episode 14, “The Wannabe in the Weeds.” I have been watching the TV show Bones during my morning workouts, and this line really resonated with me in my current journey to figure my …

My Brain is Just Broken

So I’ve been forced to conclude that my brain is broken. As I mentioned before, I lost nearly 90 pounds last year. Yay! But over the last two months, I’ve gained about six back. Not cool, but not the end of the world, right? I’ve still lost over 80 pounds, and I’m still working out; …

Hiding in Plain Sight

Disclaimer: These are my thoughts based on my experiences. I in no way feel that I speak for all people who are or have been overweight. Everyone’s story is deeply complex and personal. My issues are mine alone; I speak only for myself. Additionally, I know that not everyone judges others based on their appearance; …

The Duality of Mom

In thinking about my mom for my last post, I had an odd, and rather uncomfortable, realization: I think of my mother as two different people, with different names: Mom and Mother. Even in my own head, they are distinct, and when I talk with people about her/them, there is a very clear line between …