When I started writing, I really struggled with why. Why would anyone want to hear from me? Why would I matter, my story matter? Why would anyone want to read my words? I want to be heard. Ok, so does pretty much everyone. Why me? Why should anyone listen to some middle class American white …
In Inner Child work, there is a concept of Inner Protectors, basically defence mechanisms created during or following trauma to help a child deal with the event or events and to protect the child from future threats. Inner Protectors are often visualized and addressed as separate entities, and part of the recovery process involves “recruiting” …
So I’ve been doing some reading on Inner Child work as a method of working through past trauma. While parts of the process trigger the “bullshit alarms” ingrained from my father about “New Age crap,” I can see the merits and the potential for real change in myself (Man, I swear I need to be …